Showing posts with label Best UPSC Coaching in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best UPSC Coaching in Delhi. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2023

About the Global Innovation Index (GII)?

 The article explains the insights of the Global Innovation Index, which aims to rank the different countries based on various aspects like technology, financial conditions, areas of improvement, and many more. Rishabh has written this article, and our well-reputed faculty Prateek Tripathi reviews it.

  • Top Innovative Economies: Switzerland tops the list as the most innovative economy in 2023, followed by Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. Singapore has notably entered the top five and leads the South East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania (SEAO) region.
  • Top Science and Technology Clusters: The top Science and Technology innovation clusters in 2023 include Tokyo–Yokohama, Shenzhen–Hong Kong–Guangzhou, Seoul, Beijing, and Shanghai- Suzhou. China now boasts the largest number of clusters globally, surpassing the United States.



  • Overall Ranking and Growth: India has achieved the 40th position in the GII 2023, significantly climbing from its 81st spot in 2015. This underscores India’s consistent and substantial growth in innovation over the past eight years.
  • Leading in Lower-Middle-Income Countries: India secures the top position among 37 lower-middle-income countries and leads among the 10 economies in Central and South America in terms of innovation.
  • Strong Innovation Landscape: India’s innovation landscape is bolstered by notable achievements in various key indicators, including ICT services exports, venture capital investments, the number of graduates in science and engineering, and global corporate R&D investors.
  • Keep reading current affairs to make your exam preparation strong so that you can score high in the UPSC exam. 
  • Plutus IAS has always been conquering the best UPSC coaching in Delhi and boosting the bright careers of many Civil Services aspirants.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 Factors Responsible for High number of Defaults:

The mentioned article highlights the aspects of RBI Guidelines on Willful Defaulters. It also focuses on components for a greater number of defaults. The talented writer has written this current affairs news on the Economy Topic after profound research. Moreover, our esteemed faculty Prateek Tripathi has approved the content for further posting.

The current situation of defaults and, consequently high levels of Non-Performing Assets, which are eroding the stability of the banking sector, can be attributed to a set of structural weaknesses:

  • Poor Banking Practices: Inadequate banking practices have played a significant role in this scenario.
  • Discretionary Authority of Banking Officials: The discretionary powers vested in banking officials have also contributed to the problem.
  • Influence from Powerful Industrial Groups: The influence wielded by influential industrial conglomerates has exerted additional pressure, often stemming from political circles, on banks.
  • Intense Competition Among Banks: The intense competition among banks has led to the issuance of unsecured loans, which has become a cause for concern.

These factors collectively result in banks extending substantial loans without conducting thorough due diligence or obtaining adequate collateral.

 Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)

  • Definition of NPAs: NPAs encompass loans or advances where borrowers have fallen behind on their scheduled principal or interest payments, exceeding a specified timeframe, typically 90 days.
  • Asset Status for Banks: Loans serve as assets for banks, generating substantial interest income. When borrowers, be they individuals or businesses, fail to meet interest payments, these assets lose their income-generating status and become “non-performing” from the bank’s perspective.
  • RBI’s Criteria: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) characterizes NPAs as assets that no longer contribute to a bank’s income.
  • These current affairs updates are crucial for the preparation of the Civil Services Examination. You can find these current affairs on the menu of the Plutus IAS website.
  •  Being the best provider of the best UPSC coaching in Delhi, Plutus IAS has been consistently delivering optimum results and creating a new brigade of young policymakers and bureaucrats for the Government of India.

Friday, September 22, 2023




The article highlights the Topic of Delimitation, which focuses on restructuring the electoral participation, seats in Lok Sabha, the lower house of the parliament, and much more. Rishabh has penned this important article for the current affairs section under the supervision of our experienced faculty Dr. Bijendra Kumar Jha.

  • Delimitation is necessary to ensure equitable representation in legislative bodies, such as the Lok Sabha (the lower house of India’s Parliament) and state legislative assemblies.
  • It involves the redrawing of electoral boundaries and allocation of seats to reflect changes in population and to prevent gerrymandering, which is the manipulation of boundaries to benefit a particular political party. 
  • Delimitation is carried out to uphold the principle that every person’s vote should carry a similar weight in the electoral process.


  • Population Adjustment: The primary objective of delimitation is to allocate Lok Sabha and Assembly constituencies to states in a way that maintains a reasonably consistent ratio between the number of constituencies and the population of each state. This ensures that representation in these legislative bodies is proportional to the population distribution across states.

  • Geographical Division: Delimitation also aims to fairly divide geographical areas into electoral seats. This is crucial to prevent gerrymandering, which is the manipulation of electoral boundaries to favor one political party over another. By dividing areas fairly, the process aims to create a level playing field for all political parties.
  • Constitutional Requirement: The need for delimitation is enshrined in the Indian Constitution. Article 82 of the Constitution mandates the “readjustment” of seats in the Lok Sabha and the division of states into constituencies after each Census. Other articles, such as Articles 81, 170, 330, and 332, also reference this requirement when dealing with the composition and reservation of seats in legislative bodies.
  • Independent Delimitation Commission: Delimitation is carried out by an independent delimitation commission appointed by the President of India. This commission is tasked with the responsibility of determining the number and boundaries of constituencies based on population data and geographical considerations.

Students can upgrade their current affairs knowledge by reading the current affairs news through the mentioned menu of the Plutus IAS website

Plutus IAS has been working for the betterment and progress of all UPSC aspirants. These efforts and consecutive successful results have made us the Best IAS coaching in Delhi NCR.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 The article is all about PM Vishwakarma Yojna initiated by Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The scheme focuses on the betterment of social structure and the living standards of craftsmen and artisans. Rishabh has written this informative article and our respected faculty Vikas Gupta has checked this article for further posting in the current affairs section.

  • You can read the complete article here PM Vishwakarma Yojna which is the original source of the article. We have taken reference from the original source to provide information on the topic of PM Vishwakarma Yojna

  • Digital Literacy:
      • Promoting digital literacy among artisans by utilizing digital transaction incentives.
      • Providing necessary training and resources to maximize the scheme’s digital impact.
  • Inclusion of Marginalized Groups:
      • Ensuring marginalized artisans, including women and economically weaker sections, are not left behind.
      • Special efforts may be needed to reach and support these groups effectively.
  • Misuse Prevention:
      • Preventing misuse of scheme funds and resources.
      • Robust measures are essential to detect and deter fraudulent activities, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Sustainable Impact:
    • Ensuring the long-term sustainability of traditional crafts and livelihoods.
    • Developing strategies for sustained growth and benefits beyond the scheme’s initial phases is crucial.


Way Forward:

  • Robust Monitoring and Evaluation:
      • Implement thorough monitoring and audits at all levels.
      • Establish feedback channels for issue resolution.
      • Browse Plutus IAS to get daily updates on current affairs news and get ahead of all in your exam preparation.
      • Plutus IAS is definitely a reputed institute for getting the best UPSC coaching in Delhi. Contact Plutus UPSC if you want to have better and result-oriented preparation for the Civil Services Examination.

Monday, September 18, 2023

सामान्य अध्ययन प्रीलिम्स और मेन्स बैच

 "संघर्ष बैच" का आगाज़ 20 सितम्बर सुबह 8:00 बजे से हो रहा है! यह एक साल का संघर्ष है जो हिन्दी माध्यम में सामान्य अध्ययन प्रीलिम्स और मेन्स परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए है। हमारा विशेष फ़ोकस होगा समय प्रबंधन और परीक्षा की तैयारी के उपयुक्त रणनीतियों पर। आपका जीवन बदल सकता है, इसलिए तैयार हो जाइए और हमारे साथ इस संघर्ष में शामिल होकर अपने लक्ष्यों को पूरा करें। ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए हमसे जुड़ें और सफलता की ओर क़दम बढ़ाएं! 

Friday, September 15, 2023




  • Foster international collaboration and cooperation to promote the adoption and utilization of biofuels on a global scale.
  • Establish robust markets for biofuels and facilitate international trade in biofuels.
  • Promote the widespread use of sustainable biofuels within the transportation sector.
  • Provide policy guidance and technical support to assist national biofuels programs worldwide, promoting knowledge sharing and capacity building.
  • Highlight and build upon the successful best practices and case studies already implemented in biofuels.
  • Complement and collaborate with relevant existing regional and international agencies and initiatives focused on bioenergy, the bioeconomy, and energy transition, further enhancing global efforts in these areas.


  • Increased Technology Transfers: GBA allows India to access advanced technologies and international climate funds.
  • Higher Blending of Petrol with Ethanol: India’s goal of achieving E-20 (20% ethanol blending with petrol) by 2025-26 can benefit from insights and experiences shared by countries like Brazil, which have achieved higher ethanol blending levels (E-85). 
  • Flex Fuel Vehicle Introduction: India can utilise GBA to collaborate with Brazil in adopting flex fuel vehicle technologies. These vehicles can use a wide range of fuel blends, reducing emissions and curbing India’s crude oil import bills.
  • Global Climate Action: By being a part of GBA, India positions itself at the forefront of global climate action. It strengthens India’s role in combating climate change and demonstrates its commitment to sustainability.
This article is about Global Biofuel Alliance and Rishabh wrote this article under the guidance of our highly qualified mentor Prateek Tripathi. The article focuses on the global collaboration on biofuel utilization and aiming for net zero emission.
Plutus IAS is second to none when it comes to delivering the best coaching for IAS in Delhi. Our well-versed faculty, vast study material, daily mock exams, student performance assessments, and feedback make us the best in UPSC coaching.

Thursday, September 14, 2023



Natural Animal Host Reservoir

  • Fruit bats, commonly known as flying foxes, serve as the primary reservoir for the Nipah virus. These bats transmit the virus to animals such as pigs, dogs, cats, goats, horses, and sheep.
  • Human infection mainly results from direct contact with these animals or consumption of food contaminated by their saliva or urine.

Outbreaks in South and Southeast Asia

Outbreaks have occurred in South and Southeast Asian countries since its identification in 1998-99.

  • Bangladesh has experienced at least 10 outbreaks since 2001.
  • India has witnessed outbreaks in West Bengal (2001, 2007) and Kerala (2018, 2019, 2021).


Nipah Virus Spread and Mortality

  • It spreads more slowly than COVID-19 but has a higher mortality rate.
  • Mortality rates in past outbreaks have ranged from 68% to 100%.
  • During the 2018 Kerala outbreak, 17 out of 18 confirmed patients died.
  • All outbreaks so far have been localized and contained relatively quickly.
  • A study observed that the reproductive number (R0) was approximately 0.48 during previous outbreaks. The R-value serves as an indicator of the virus’s rate of spread within the population. When this value is less than one, it implies that less than one person is getting infected by an already infected individual. In such circumstances, the outbreak is anticipated to subside relatively rapidly.

Rishabh, one of our brilliant writers, wrote this article. The NIPAH VIRUS, a viral disease that occurred in Kerala, India, is highlighted in the article. The post is written under the oversight and approval of our highly skilled mentor Vikas Gupta to make certain that users receive authenticated accurate information. The virus is all about humans contracting an infection from sick animals. 

You may see all of these current affairs stories on the Plutus IAS website. Since quite a while ago, Plutus IAS has continuously provided the best IAS coaching in Delhi. Join us to reach your IAS officer aspirations.

This is where the article's original source was taken To learn more about the provided topic in detail, kindly click the link provided.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023



Significant Highlights of the New Delhi Declaration:

  • Ukraine War:
    • All states are urged to adhere to the principles of the UN Charter, refrain from using force for territorial acquisition, and avoid using or threatening nuclear weapons.
    • Peaceful conflict resolution, diplomacy, and dialogue are emphasized.
  • Grain/ Food / Energy Security:
    • Russia and Ukraine are called upon to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of grain, food, and fertilizers.
    • Maintaining food and energy security is stressed, with a warning about potential market volatility.
  • Economies & Financial Markets:
    • Commitment to protect vulnerable populations through equitable economic growth and financial stability is reiterated.
    • There’s a mention of a previous exchange rate commitment and endorsement of recommendations for regulating crypto-assets.
    • Encouragement for fair competition and discouragement of protectionism is included.
  • Climate Change:
    • The need to phase down coal power, support low-carbon transitions in developing countries, and triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030 is highlighted.
    • There’s also an emphasis on sustainable finance, carbon pricing, and achieving carbon neutrality.
    • Financial commitments for climate goals and a call to set a new collective climate finance goal in 2024 are mentioned.

  • Global Debt Vulnerabilities
    • Commitment to address debt vulnerabilities in developing countries 
    • A call for swift debt treatment for Ethiopia.
  • Health
    • Commitment to strengthen global health architecture, enhance the resilience of health systems
    • Develop climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems in collaboration with multilateral banks.
    • This article has been written by our competent writer Gaurav Nikumbh. The article highlights the topic of G20 New Delhi Summit and its important declaration. The article is penned under the review and authentication of our well-qualified mentor Vikash Gupta to ensure that readers get verified and accurate news. 
    • Get all such current affairs news via Plutus IAS official website. Plutus IAS has been delivering the best IAS coaching in Delhi consistently for a very long time. Join us to achieve your goal of becoming an IAS officer.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 Multilateralism is currently facing significant challenges:

  • Waning Support: There is a decline in widespread support for multilateralism, with some countries showing less enthusiasm for international cooperation. This reduced commitment hinders the effectiveness of multilateral efforts.
  • Growing Chauvinism: Nationalism and chauvinistic tendencies are rising in some parts of the world. These tendencies prioritize individual national interests over collective global well-being, undermining the spirit of cooperation.
  • Protectionism: Protectionist policies and trade barriers are being erected by some nations, hindering global trade and economic cooperation. 
  • Impact on Developing Countries: The challenges directly affect the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable, especially in developing countries. These nations often rely on international cooperation and assistance to address their pressing issues.
  • Decreased Funding: While Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding to multilateral development organizations had been increasing in previous years, there is a risk that this trend could reverse due to rising mistrust in multilateralism. Reduced funding can limit these organizations capacity to address global challenges effectively.


Way forward:

  • Engaging all stakeholders beyond governments.
  • Utilizing technology and social media for transparency and communication.
  • Adapting to address 21st-century challenges.
  • Prioritizing shared values, especially human dignity.
  • Building resilient communities and promoting social equality.
  • Strengthening accountability, transparency, and inclusivity.
  • Forming a global compact involving all parties.
  • Amplifying the voices of marginalized groups.

The article focuses on Multilateralism, where several countries are involved in pinpointing similar problems and making cooperative steps to eradicate these problems. It contains the involvement of at least 3 countries or more than that. Our respected faculty have observed and approved this article.

Access all the news and current affairs updates through the Plutus IAS website’s Current Affairs section. Undoubtedly Plutus IAS is giving the best IAS coaching in Delhi NCR and supporting candidates to attain high scores in the UPSC exam.

Monday, September 11, 2023



Climate Change Impact

Frequent Floods and Droughts

  • Escalating Flooding Events: Flooding is on the rise due to climate change, with a notable increase in the frequency and intensity of abnormally heavy precipitation events since the early 20th century.
  • Increasing Drought Incidents: Drought conditions are becoming more common, posing significant challenges.

Food Security

  • Climate’s Influence on Food Supply: The production of food is highly dependent on climate and weather conditions, presenting challenges for farmers and researchers.
  • Challenges to Food Security: Coping with higher temperatures, drought, water stress, diseases, and extreme weather events presents formidable obstacles to food security.

Human Health

  • Current Effects on Human Health: Climate change is already impacting human health, with changes in weather and climate patterns putting lives at risk.
  • Health Risks: Heat is one of the deadliest weather phenomena, and dry conditions lead to more wildfires, which bring various health risks. Increased flooding can also lead to the spread of waterborne diseases, injuries, and chemical hazards.


Impact of Climate Change on Women

  • Gendered Consequences: The effects of the climate crisis are not uniform and disproportionately affect women globally, placing their health, safety, and overall well-being at significant risk.
  • Heightened Vulnerability: Women and girls, in particular, bear the brunt of climate change, exacerbating pre-existing gender inequalities and introducing distinct challenges to their livelihoods, health, and safety.
  • UN Recognition (2009): In 2009, the United Nations underscored the heightened vulnerability of women and their disproportionate susceptibility to the adverse impacts of climate change compared to men. This recognition emphasizes the urgent need to address these gender-specific challenges in climate-related policies and initiatives.
  • The present article focuses on the climate change effect on women. You will get insights about climate change's influence on the global economy and life standards. Moreover, it also provides details about the unfavorable consequences faced by women because they generally take help from natural resources and all that. Talented writer Rishabh has penned this significant article and it is evaluated by our well-reputed mentor Vikas Gupta.
  • Access all these current affairs news on Indian and global nations through the Plutus IAS current affairs page. Additionally, Plutus IAS gives the best UPSC coaching in Delhi and facilitates many UPSC aspirants to score high in the IAS exam.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 About Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)

Launched on August 28, 2014, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) stands as one of the world’s most extensive financial inclusion initiatives. This initiative, led by the Ministry of Finance, is dedicated to offering affordable financial services to vulnerable and economically disadvantaged sections of society.

It aims to create a platform for universal access to banking services, ensuring that every household has at least one basic banking account. This program also focuses on promoting financial literacy and providing access to credit, insurance, and pension facilities.The article regarding the topic of one nation one election is written by Rishabh and the it is reviewed by our extremely qualified and experienced faculty Dr. Bijendra Jha. Please read the complete article and witness one of the biggest election reforms in Indian democracy proposed by Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

 Key features of PMJDY include:

  • Expanding Banking Services: PMJDY seeks to expand banking services by establishing branches and Banking Correspondents (BCs) to reach both urban and rural areas.
  • RuPay Debit Card: Individuals who open PMJDY accounts receive an indigenous Debit Card known as the RuPay card.
  • No Minimum Balance Requirement: There is no requirement to maintain a minimum balance in PMJDY accounts.
  • Accident Insurance Cover: PMJDY account holders receive accident insurance coverage of Rs. 1 lakh, which was increased to Rs. 2 lakh for new PMJDY accounts opened after August 28, 2018. This coverage is provided through the RuPay card issued to account holders. The current article sheds light on the highlights and the journey of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. This government scheme has completed 9 years. Rishabh has composed the article and provided valuable details about the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, its features, and its significance. Our respected faculty Prateek Tripathi has reviewed the article.
  • Overdraft Facility: Eligible adults can access an overdraft facility of up to Rs. 10,000.
  • Access to Government Schemes: PMJDY accounts are eligible for various government schemes, including Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), and Atal Pension Yojana (APY). You can get all such current affairs updates from the Plutus IAS current affairs section of the website. Moreover, Plutus IAS has become the synonym of the best IAS coaching in Delhi and helps students to get top grades in the exam.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



  • “One Nation, One Election” is a proposed electoral system that aims to synchronize elections across all Indian states and the Lok Sabha (the lower house of parliament). This concept calls for a significant restructuring of the Indian electoral cycle, enabling voters to participate in both state assembly and Lok Sabha elections on the same day or through phased voting.
  • Historical Context: Simultaneous elections were a standard practice in India until 1967. However, this practice began to change following the dissolution of certain Legislative Assemblies in 1968 and 1969. The idea of reverting to simultaneous polls gained traction over the years:
    • 1983- Election Commission’s Proposal: The concept of simultaneous elections was initially proposed in the annual report of the Election Commission in 1983.
    • 1999- Law Commission’s Inclusion: The Law Commission’s report in 1999 also discussed the idea of “One Nation, One Election.”
    • 2017- Niti Aayog’s Working Paper: In January 2017, Niti Aayog prepared a working paper on the subject, further exploring the feasibility of this electoral reform. 
    • 2018- Law Commission’s Recommendations: In April 2018, the Law Commission emphasized that implementing “One Nation, One Election” would require at least “five Constitutional recommendations.”

Challenges to Implementing ‘One Nation One Election’

  1. Synchronization of Terms
  • A critical challenge is aligning the terms of the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies to enable simultaneous elections.
  • Currently, terms vary, leading to different completion dates. Some assemblies had elections recently, while others are due soon.
  1. Constitutional Amendments Required
  • Achieving term synchronization necessitates amendments to several key articles of the Indian Constitution, including:

  • Additionally, amendments to the Representation of the People Act and related parliamentary procedures are also necessary.
  1. Parliamentary Form of Government
  • India’s parliamentary system makes it accountable to the Lower House (Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly). We will provide such types of current affairs updates through Plutus IAS which is the best IAS coaching in Delhi with great record of successful UPSC aspirants every year.
  • Government can fall before completing its term, triggering the need for a new election, posing a challenge to the concept of fixed-term elections.
  1. Political Consensus
  • Convincing all political parties to support “One Nation One Election” is a formidable obstacle.
  • Parties may have differing views and interests, making consensus difficult to achieve.
  • The article regarding the topic of one nation one election is written by Rishabh and the it is reviewed by our extremely qualified and experienced faculty Dr. Bijendra Jha. Please read the complete article and witness one of the biggest election reforms in Indian democracy proposed by Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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